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Human Resources

Consulting Services for Leaders and Managers

Graphic: Employee Life Cycle

Employment at UZH follows what is known as the employee life cycle. Each of the six phases in this life cycle includes topics for which managers and leaders have certain tasks and responsibilities. Some of these they can handle themselves, while for others they can draw on the support of experts in the HR Department. Our HR Business Partners and the HR Representatives in your department/institute or office will be happy to support you. The table below provides you with an overview of these tasks:



Leadership responsibilities of line managers

Advisory services through HR 

Support through HR Representatives
Job listing Specify job requirements, keep website of organizational unit up-to-date (=public image) Advise line managers (as needed) on hiring of key positions  Post the job ad



Leadership responsibilities of line managers

Advisory services through HR 

Support through HR Representatives
Hiring Hold interviews and select candidates, final hiring decision Determine salary classification of candidates, advise line managers (as needed) on hiring of key positions  Organize and contribute to application process
Secondary employment and public offices Review, approve or reject secondary employment 2nd review of secondary employment and send request for approval up the line (if necessary), prompt resolution of the Executive Board (if necessary)  
Appointment Create job description, create appointment, carry out tasks according to checklist for onboarding employees Advise line managers in case of questions Handle organizational affairs (e.g. cost center allocation), issue employment decisions (Derouging), initiate employment in eHR, incl. residence and working permits (positions funded by third parties are managed by HR Operations)



Leadership responsibilities of line managers

Advisory services through HR 

Support through HR Representatives
Onboarding Manage onboarding process, ensure regular exchange    Advise line managers (as needed) on issues during trial period Provide support for team integration
Trial period Conduct trial period assessments, issue trial period decision    Include line managers if trial period is failed Provide administrative support (eDossier)
UZH Welcome Day Prompt new staff to register Take part and provide information about employment on site  



Leadership responsibilities of line managers

Advisory services through HR 

Support through HR Representatives
Continuing education Clarify need for continuing education, approve/reject continuing education requests Advise line managers (as needed) on continuing education matters Provide information about continuing education at UZH
Performance appraisals (MAB) Prepare and hold performance appraisal meetings Provide support in difficult performance appraisal meetings, esp. in case of legal issues Provide administrative support (eDossier)
Changes of function Plan and discuss changes concerning employees Provide support for changes of function Provide administrative support (eDossier)

Actively manage the situation, contact experts or support services

UZH Leadership and Management Principles
Advise on change processes
Liaise with Personnel/Leadership Development in HR, with HR Operations and with other internal and external offices



Leadership responsibilities of line managers

Advisory services through HR 

Support through HR Representatives
Changes in employment Hold discussions with employees and approve employment changes Provide support on matters relating to employment changes Change of personal details, employment level, managing eDossier
Working hours and absences Review, sign off and keep employee time sheets, review absences (vacation, leave, illness, accident, maternity, replacement income) Provide support in questions about working hours Answer employees’ questions about recording working hours and absences
Illness, accident Manage contact with employee, review recording of working hours and absences  Advise in cases of long absences due to illness (case management) regarding continued pay, order examination by a doctor appointed by UZH, manage preliminary IV registration

Forward doctor’s notes or accident reports to HR Service Center

Determine reduced vacation entitlement in cases of illness/accident
Changes in salary Plan promotions, handle annual salary increases Provide support in salary increases, pay classifications and promotions Provide administrative support (eDossier)
Challenging leadership situations/conflicts

Actively manage the situation, contact experts or support services

Manging conflict

UZH Leadership and Management Principles

Provide support in challenging leadership situations/conflicts
Support line managers during meetings (as needed)
Handle investigation and reporting in cases of suspected bullying
Liaise with HR Operations and other internal and external offices



Leadership responsibilities of line managers

Advisory services through HR 

Support through HR Representatives
Notice given by employee Carry out tasks according to checklist for leaving employees Support line managers as needed Handle administrative tasks connected to staff leaving the university (last working day, payment of unused vacation allowance, extra hours, etc.)
Dismissal by UZH Actively manage the situation, include relevant HR Business Partner Support line managers in case management and processes (termination agreement, dismissal, liaise with Legal Services, legal issues)  
Succession planning Start succession planning in good time Support line managers as needed  
Retirement Present honors and finalize retirement     Support line managers as needed Handle administrative tasks connected to retirement
Employment reference letters Provide information for preparing (interim) employment reference letters (Central Services), write (interim) employment reference letters Support line managers as needed
Review (interim) employment reference letters of Central Services

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If you cannot find an answer to your question here, please contact the responsible HR representative in your organizational unit or the HR Business Partner responsible for you in the Human Resources Department.